Elastic communication with two steel plates, in the park Helan Arts in Luipegem 77, 2680 Bornem, 1990.
Post vom 11.06.2021
Elastic communication with two steel plates, in the park Helan Arts in Luipegem 77, 2680 Bornem, 1990.
Post vom 11.06.2021
For Francis Feidler, communication is the key to everything that is. Art, life, love - everything that drives us as thinking and feeling beings is centered on communication. Like Hartmut Rosa, the sociology professor from Jena, Feidler sees everything in a vibrational relationship. Francis Feidler, however, does not call this relationship resonance, but “Elastikommunikation (elastic communication). With his large sculptures, as in the case of this outdoor sculpture in the park Helan Arts in Luipegem, Feidler makes the contradictory nature of this relationship visible. The large bent steel plate is held by a steel cable. One can literally feel the tension. But what one actually feels is the elastic communication of two materials that are actually classified as "rigid" and "uncommunicative". The paradox of this situation is the same as the paradox of human communication.
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